Vikings series 4 starts..

The Vikings series 4 show 1 Treason

I eagerly watched the first part of the new series yesterday. The major story was the return of the Vikings to Cattegart leaving Rollo in Paris with a band of men. Ragnor was recovering from his wounds and was denied entry to Valhalla, and Bjorn had Floki arrested for the murder of Athelstan.

Lagertha returned to her kingdom along with……….Carlf. He declared they would rule the kingdom jointly and ……was unhappy with that and super jealous of Lagertha but admitting he still loved her! No doubting Lagertha is a powerful women in a man’s world!

A trap was set for Carlf who publically cut his mark in a post against Lagertha to banish her. That went badly as… set his hidden archers against … and his followers. …. ended up with a bolt to his throat pinning him to the post and Lagertha couldn’t control herself and castrated him! As if you needed reminding, men beware crossing Lagertha!

Back in Catthegart Bjorn’s wife had gone walkabout and was missing and Ragnors wife A… had consulted the seer to see if she would rule one day. Ragnor started to recover and ironically again with the help of runes carved by Floki.

Floki meanwhile was chained to a post like a dog for public derision. Ragnor accused him of murdering Athelstan out of jealousy, while Floki stated he was ordered by the Gods to do it to save Ragnor!

Meanwhile Bjorn was now having renewed issues with Ragnor and was desperate to get his father’s approval and love.Bjorn set himself a personal challenge to survive alone in the wilderness as a test and left Ragnor and Cattegart.

So there was lots going on and now the story went back to Rollo in Paris. There Rollo was seen as a Frankish lord who had married a princess and was being accused by many of his men as a Christian. Rollo reacted badly to this and killed all the Viking warriors, even Erik who had been loyal to Rollo. Erik’s words though will haunt Rollo as he screamed Ragnor would return for revenge.

What do I make of all of this? Well, Ragnor continues to be somewhat of a mystery and a troubled king. Rollo continues to make bad choices that will lead to conflict with his brother Ragnor (remember Rollo and Jarlborg?). Life for these Vikings is certainly not easy or plain sailing as they fight their nature with their wish to explore and expand their territory.

I must say I would be happy to see a little bit more Viking culture but with massive power struggles going on, this gets overshadowed somewhat. As is very plain, and make no mistake, these Vikings are first and foremost warriors, both men and women, and fighting is never far away.  Like it, or lump it and leave it! Overall I like it and look forward to the next show…




































Baseline measurements

Personal measurements

The basic measurements to start with are height and weight.

When you know your height and weight you can use them to calculate your Body Mass Index or BMI. The BMI will tell you if  you are the correct weight or over or under weight.

Get out a pen or paper or use your text editor (Notepad or Sublime or MS Word etc) and start your FITNESS and HEALTH LOG. Enter the date and your height and weight and calculate your BMI and write them down.
Here is a link to the NHS BMI calculator. Enter your details to calculate your BMI.

Once you have determined this for yourself you will know whether you need to change your weight (increase or decrease) to get to a normal and average BMI for your height and weight.

Now how are you doing with your exercising? Did you try the exercises from the first post? Write in your new FITNESS and HEALTH log what exercise you will do today.

The next issue to look at in the stages of getting our own better fitness and health will be considering what we eat and drink (our diet) and then consider our other habits (especially smoking and drinking alcohol).

If you get this result from the BMI calculator we can take steps to get our BMI back to normal healthy levels.


Being overweight is harmful to your health and the good news is, you can fix this easily and get back to good fitness and health levels, which will make your life MUCH BETTER! Keep following the regular blog posts here and sign up to the blog for regular blog posts for help and advise to become fitter and healthier.

My wife has been trying to lose weight over the last year and this morning she told me she was complimented yesterday by 2 people on how much weight she had lost!

Both of us will be following this blog’s simple and effective long term plan to be fitter and healthier. So join me and my wife here. In your log write a brief note of what your fitness and health goals and let us know on Twitter and Facebook and I intend to make this journey with you as fun and as iinteractive as possible …!



Quick and easy workout challenge

Are you ready to take the exercise challenge?

Let’s get fit and healthy by eating right, exercising right and sleeping right.

Watch the video below for a great speed exercise workout that you can do on your own or with a friend.

Remember to warmup before starting with stretches and jogging on the spot and  arm, trunk, leg and foot rotations and bends .Then do these exercises yourself on a regular daily basis and make this become a habit. Add a 5-10 minute jog afterwards and you have the perfect 20 minute exercise routine to get you in shape.

Take it easy to start with and then everyday push yourself a little more and you will soon feel the benefit of better movement, increased stamina and more vitality!

Go for it and goodluck!  🙂